Pre-Sale Inspections - Walworth County, Wisconsin
Selling your home, we put you in control

If you are looking to sell your home or property in the Walworth County, Wisconsin, area, knowing its real condition will give you the control and information you need to accurately price and describe it. With the information we will provide, you will be able to: disclose conditions present, and optionally repair any issues found. This keeps you in control and will eliminate surprises and potential delays with unforeseen problems, putting you in a better position to maximize your asking price. Providing full disclosure to a buyer can help to make the sale go more smoothly.
Hensiak Inspection Services, Inc. has been satisfying clients for 37 years of professional service in the Walworth County, Wisconsin, area. Let us help you with a pre-sale inspection.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call, or use our Contact Us page.